2012-2013 14-1 Power Team Video

2012-2013 14-1 Power Team Video

Another amazing video done by some of our parents of our 2012-2013 14-1 Power Team! Thank you Charles and Kim Aikawa for sharing this with us!

2012-2013 16-1 Power Team Montage

An awesome photo montage of our 2012-2013 16-1 Power Team done by one of our parents. Thank you for sharing this with us!

14 Black in Action!

Check out our 14 Black Team in action! Thanks for this great video Tom!

Aftershock Memories

Just a little compilation of the Aftershock memories over the past few years as a way to send a very big thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey so far.

Here’s to a fabulous fourth year Aftershock Family!