Getting a college scholarship has a lot to do with finding the right program. Coaches award scholarships based on what they need for their program, and they are constantly on the lookout for players they think will meet those needs. With hundreds of programs out there, your chances are good that someone is looking for a player like you, but the chances that a coach will find you out of the blue are very rare. Here is a guideline of steps to take to get in touch with coaches so you have better chance of receiving a scholarship.
Instead of going to individual games, scouts generally use large tournaments to go and watch players they are already in contact with. But it’s not easy to convince a coach to come see you in person. You have to prove to them that you are worth their time and low traveling budget by showing them what kind of athlete you are, giving them detailed statistics, and staying in constant communication with them. If you don’t show them you’re willing to put in the effort, they won’t be very willing to invest in you. Use this strategy to set yourself apart from the competition.
The most effective way to maximize your chances is to be playing the position you would most likely play in college. For example, coaches don’t want to see you playing setter if you are only 5’2″ because you will probably play libero when you get to the college level. In order to truly get an understanding of your future potential, coaches want to see you progressing for a few years. So keep your stats handy and up to date so you can send them when you contact coaches. Here are some other ways to improve your standing with coaches.
In order to have success in the recruiting process, you MUST have the right exposure. Far too many times, athletes who play club volleyball just count on getting noticed at tournaments because after all, that’s where the scouts go. But in reality, they are only there to see the players who they have been in contact with, and really don’t have time to go looking for players to give scholarships to. Even if they did, with hundreds of teams at many of the tournaments, the chances them seeing YOU play are very low. You must be proactive and take control of your future, because sitting around and waiting for them to come to you won’t get you the scholarship you’re looking for.
In any sport you play, not just volleyball, coaches want to keep their team GPA as high as possible. The only way to show them you can help with that is if you are well above these standards. Having good grades also shows a coach what kind of work ethic you have.
It really depends on the school. Volleyball has some of the best opportunities for scholarships, but you have to know where to look. Here is a breakdown of the number of scholarships available for each school by division.
Obviously in any given year, there are different teams that make runs for the championship. But here are some schools that are consistently at the top of the list. Just remember, it’s not just about joining a winning team. Find a program with a coaching staff that has a reputation for standing on principals and morals, because that’s what is going to truly make you a winner AFTER your 4 years in college.