All posts tagged 2014

Congratulations Mark!


 CONGRATULATIONS to Aftershock Coach Mark Tamanaha who has been selected to head up the women’s volleyball program at Piner High School in Santa Rosa as the Women’s Varsity Volleyball coach this fall.

We wish you many successes in your new position!

Special Weekend

Good luck to our teams which are competing in the Bay View Classic Tournament this weekend! Play hard, play well, and have fun!

Since this marks the end of the 2013-14 Aftershock Volleyball Club season, we want to say that we enjoyed getting to know all of you, and working with all of our players and parents throughout the year to provide a quality volleyball program and experience for our players.

Thank you to all of you, and to our coaches, for your commitment, dedication and hard work this year. We saw a lot of happy girls bonding with team-mates, having fun, learning and practicing new skills together, and showing improvement each time they competed. This would not have been possible without the help of our Team Moms, Chaperones, and family supporters. Many, many thanks to you all! It was a wonderful year and we look forward to doing this with you again in November!

Many teams will have year-end celebrations so check with your coach or team Mom for details.

ALSO, check back here for more information (coming very soon) about summer volleyball opportunities.

Have a good Memorial Day weekend, everyone.